Campus Alert System

The Campus Alert system is an emergency notification tool for South Dakota’s public universities and special schools. This system notifies students, staff, and faculty of any emergencies that occur on or near campus locations. Emergencies may include, but not be limited to, weather alerts, school closings, fire, or criminal activity.

All students are automatically a part of this system through their campus-assigned email address. An email is sent to the campus-assigned email account with information about how to register for the alert system. During registration, students may opt to register their personal telephone numbers, personal e-mail addresses, or other personal electronic devices to receive these Campus Alerts. Click here to view the Registration Instructions.

All staff and faculty are also automatically included in this alert system with their campus-assigned email address. Staff and faculty are required to register and add any campus-provided phone numbers (desk, cell). Inclusion of personal contact information such as home telephone or personal cell phone is encouraged but not required.


In order to receive vital safety messages, students are encouraged to register all available contact information.

Frequently Asked Questions

No, not if you have an active relationship with the Special Schools, a State University in South Dakota, or the South Dakota Board of Regents.

To update your address information displayed in Campus Alert, you should contact your helpdesk or Faculty or Staff, submit the request to Human Resources, and Students submit an address change request to the Registrar’s Office.

We require at least one contact method to notify you in case of an alert situation. The campus-assigned email address should be from your home university location. If this is not correct, please submit your request to the helpdesk.

The system will include you in university groups for Faculty, Staff, or Students. If the default groups are not correct, Faculty and Staff should contact their Human Resources Department, and Students should contact their Registrar’s Office.

You are able to manage your opt-in groups to receive notifications from the universities where you do not have an active relationship.

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