System Export Control Program
System Export Control Program
Frequently Asked Questions

Technology Control Plan
A Technology Control Plan (TCP) is a document that formalizes the processes and procedures used by university personnel to control access to and release of export-controlled items, information, materials, etc. in accordance with federal export regulations. The Office of Export Controls has developed a template TCP, which should be modified and tailored to comply with the specific regulatory requirements and to accommodate the particular project or program.

International Travel
Faculty, researchers, and staff frequently travel abroad to further university research, education, service, or employment. While most international travel does not cause any export control issues, there are travel scenarios that cause concern and require additional planning, approval, accommodations, etc., to maintain export control compliance. To assist in determining what export control implications may apply to your upcoming travel, it is recommended that you complete the International Travel Form and submit it to your campus export control contact as far in advance as possible, but preferably at least (15) business days before departure. Individual campuses are free to tailor their own forms and processes for international travel as long as it is compliant with BOR policy.
Before traveling to a foreign destination, there are three basic questions university personnel need to consider when determining if export controls apply to their travel.