Reduced Tuition for Personal Attributes
65 Years or Older
Senior citizens who are residents of South Dakota are eligible to receive a greatly reduced tuition. To qualify, you must be at least 65 years of age or will be turning 65 during the calendar year of enrollment. This reduction in the cost of tuition is equal to 45%.
Black Hills State University
Admissions | Spearfish, SD
Dakota State University
Cashier’s Office | Madison, SD
Northern State University
Admissions | Aberdeen, SD
South Dakota Mines
Admissions | Rapid City, SD
South Dakota State University
Admissions | Brookings, SD
The University of South Dakota
Registrar’s Office | Vermillion, SD

Visual Impairment
While consistent with state law, the regental system offers a special tuition and fee reduction to individuals who are visually impaired. Validation is managed by the South Dakota Department of Human Services/Division of Service to the Blind and Visually Impaired.
Black Hills State University
Business Office | Spearfish, SD
Dakota State University
Cashier’s Office | Madison, SD
Northern State University
Admissions | Aberdeen, SD
South Dakota Mines
Admissions | Rapid City, SD
South Dakota State University
Registrar’s Office | Brookings, SD
The University of South Dakota
Registrar’s Office | Vermillion, SD