
Conveniently discover valuable information through comprehensive research and reporting provided by the South Dakota Board of Regents. Gain valuable insights from a wide range of studies, including detailed economic impact assessments, initiatives that cover the entire system, and year-over-year comparisons that provide insight into the region’s progress over time.

2025 Factbook

The Factbook is an extensive report that offers a detailed analysis of the events and developments that occurred during the previous academic year. It provides valuable insights into the performance of the Board of Regents and their institutions and sheds light on the challenges and opportunities ahead. Whether you are a student, faculty member, lawmaker, or stakeholder, the Factbook is an essential resource for understanding the state of public higher education in South Dakota.

Cover of the 2024 Factbook

Past FactBooks

Opportunity Scholarship Report

The South Dakota Opportunity Scholarship allows South Dakota’s most academically accomplished high school graduates to receive a generous scholarship. View the latest report to see how those funds are positively impacting our state’s students.

Impact Report

The South Dakota Board of Regents conducted a study to determine the economic contribution of higher education overall and in each of our six universities. The analysis aims to tell the university system’s story from a numbers and narrative perspective, with student, financial, and employment data from each university.

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